Yaraks Birds Of Prey Falconry Centre
Yarak is the most unique stand-alone rural Bird of Prey Centre in South West England. Open year round, they specialise in full hands-on falconry experiences for all ages. Based in Langford, near Cullompton in Devon.
The centre is set in a rural, peaceful, relaxed environment giving bird of prey enthusiasts the chance to enjoy being amongst these majestic creatures in beautiful surroundings.
They have a large collection of birds ranging from eagles and falcons, to hawks, owls and vultures.
A visit may require booking depending on time of year, see website below.
- Langford Mill Farm, Langford
- Cullompton
- Devon
- EX15 1RG
- Telephone: 01884 277297
- Website: Yaraks Birds Of Prey Falconry Centre